finished ramblingz section, and uploaded my first post!! i'm crossposting on both my neocity and dreamwidth. im so glad i spent sm time on it cuz it works so well now, and hopefully on other screen sizes too!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ now to replicate w sotw.. um also the time i spent doing this shouldve been spent revising. rn i should be studying. oops... ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭

yaHOOOOO!!!!!!!! got my dreamwidth working!!! \(o^▽^o)/ hehehehehhe im so smart. ooh, also!!! gonna start archiving these posts cuz editing this page is getting lagier and lagier....

aRHAGRHAGHGHA DREAMWIDTH IS SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!! i just want a cute blog,,,,,, on a site i can follow other blogs,,,, i dont understand anything,,,,, not everyone knows how to code from the womb!!!! i would be grateful for ANY tutorial made for beginners. all the ones i find talk abt live journal,,,, i wasnt even. alive. when live journal. was popular. (҂` ロ ´)凸凸凸凸凸凸凸凸 KILL ME NOW ARGAHGRHAG I UNDERSTAND NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! u know for a minute i was so mad i forgot the mandatory lucky star gif and kaomoji.... i'm going 2 sleep now...

wahooo!!! i got accepted into the splatnet webring!!!! obvs i chose harmony cuz shes my fav character rn. i'm so happy!! pls visit my webring neighbors, they are all very talented ♡♡

boo, white choc won the splatfest!! sigh, i'll win next time!! it was fun tho!!! also has anyone else had a hard time accessing the tamanotchi website?? took ages for it to load once for me so i cant feed mine :( also also i wanted to join dreamwidth, does anyone have any tips?? i'm struggling with fonts, ugh... (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ oh, also also also!! added cute little ribbons 2 the post bit. i was gonna update it for all the posts but my computer is being slow rn and i just do NOT have the patience!!

OMIGOSH i joined the vocaloid webring!!! yippee!!!!!
also, entirely irrelevant 2 that last sentence, but not only is dj-Jo a vocaloid god, but also made music for katamari ?!?!?

noooo its been a week since i last posted!! boo. was busy w skl but i got half term hols rn, yippee!!! a whole week off!!! and i saw my baby cousin, he was SO cute ahrhahahruhf also got a tooth infection ??? ups and downs. but idc, skl is gone!! im freeee!!!! (⭑→ 𓎟 ← ⭑) oh, also, gonna update sotws to have this new bg layout thing, which i coded myself!! kind of proud!!!

aaa, new splatfest coming up!!! i picked dark choc, cuz its my fav, obvi. i'm super excited I LOVE SPALTOON AHBKARJAHWHDN. anyway i should tooootally revise for my tests.... but ... huuuu i dont feel like it. i know i have 2 work hard for school,,,, but i'll just leave it for- *shudders* monday. saturday always arrives fast but sunday passes faster... (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)

omigosh!!!! its the weekend already,, yippee!!!! i had a decent week, i hope u all did as well. i've been feeling kinda nervous for life stuff recently but i came back to neocities to see loads of fun websites and the nice messages on my site and i feel so much better!!! u guys r so awesome awww ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶♥ anyways, i added 2 tamanotchis to the site cuz they're super cute.

huuuu i wish dressing emo was still slightly acceptable. i SUPER wanna wear striped tights and have a side fringe and racoon tails with pink and green hair and a tshirt with a skull or a band on it and a short skirt or shorts with spiky belts and maybe boots or trainers...... but i'm limited to the 2020's dresscode. otherwise i'll be shot on the spot by other 15 year olds, yelling "where's ur northface!??!?!" ... i don't have a northface. also that wouldn't happen,,,,,,,,, i'm just exaggerating cuz i'm upset. sigh. 凸(≡д≡)

last day of jan '23!! time flies. gonna start archiving posts soon. also, does anyone wanna play splatoon together!?!? i'd love to have some ppl 2 play it w, it would b so fun!! tbf, i'm not available that often tho... o well.

i REAAALLY wanna add conlang stuff to my neocity, but i have 2 much hw. i even tried to get some done earlier so i could come home and work on this neocity but i just could. not. concentrate. ARARHGHAGHAGRHAGRRRRRHH

added a WHOLE bunch of stuff: bookshelf and showshelf, animated links, sitemap (doing that rn) and finished the madoka shrine. the homepage is getting a bit slow so i might archive some posts soon.

HELL YEAHAHHAH its the weekend!!!!!! i worked super hard also and i finally learnt how to hide/show a div and i was super proud of myself, and thought abt papyrus being goofy and smug, so i used him as a gif. love u all!!!

added a music player. i wanna get it onto the front page as a widget with some gifs but for now it stays at the bottom. cant fix it cuz skl awaits... ughghrghg

its monday again. huuuuuuur. anyway, updates shrines to have separate themes, cute! also, super foggy where i live!!!! foggy is my fav weather cuz it makes it feel so spooky so this is awesome!! but skl. is bad

its the weekend!!! YEAH i can do so much stuff now Omg ItRAODPAKOJDOIAJJKADNKJ

hopefully got rid of all autoplay and merged contact + about me into one page. also changed theme slightly on shrinez. super snoozy, wanna play splat 3 but i gotta sleep !!

trying to remove all the autoplay here cuz it got annoying. super busy rn, but hopefully most is gone soon. weekend come soon please...

skl is kicking my butt! hope all of u guys r doing well ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

just a test 2 make sure i did the box html correctly xoxo. update: posts/updates box finished!!!

first post! also sweet won for splat3. yippee!! i didnt contribute that much tho lol
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